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DAS Seminars Educational Seminars

STO商機系列 (#二) STO Opportunity Series (#2)

“STO Opportunities” education series aims to provide broad and practical perspectives toward security tokens and respective opportunities.

  • Date & Time: Tuesday, April 9, 2019 · 6 – 9pm HKT
  • Location: BMI Seminar Room, 9/F, Shui On Centre, 6-8 Harbour Road Hong Kong, HKI

About this event

Chain Partners projected the security token market size will grow to USD 2 trillion by 2030 with a 59% CAGR during 2019-2030.

Hong Kong’s securities regulator, the Securities and Futures Commission (SFC) issued official guidance on security token offerings (STOs), in a statement published on March 28. The guidance has clarified the legal and regulatory requirements for parties engaging in STO-related activities.

Are security token opportunities ready to take off globally and in Hong Kong?

We are honored to have the CEO from Polymath, a market leader in the global security token space, joined by leading players in the Asia market – BMI, BC Digital and Coinstreet Partners, to share their views on the STO opportunities.

Chain Partners預計,到2030年,證券通證市場規模將增長至2萬億美元,2019年至2030年期間複合年增長率將達到59%。



區塊鏈應用與投資聯盟(BCAIA)邀請到Polymath Network行政總裁Kevin North 以及多位亞洲區業界領先公司代表向大家剖析STO帶來之機遇,為迎接STO年代做好準備!

Rundown 活動流程

  • 6:00pm – Reception 接待
  • 6:15pm – Opening 歡迎致詞
    Lowell Lo, Chairman of Blockchain Application & Investment Alliance, Chairman & CEO of BMI 盧華威先生 – 區塊鏈應用與投資聯盟主席
    Jay Liang, Chairman of Hong Kong Blockchain Association 梁捷揚先生 – 香港區塊鏈協會主席
  • 6:45pm – Global STO Opportunities & Challenges >> Kevin North, CEO of Polymath Network 證券通證之全球機遇與挑戰 >> Kevin North- Polymath Network行政總裁
  • 7:15pm – STO Issuing from Hong Kong
    Joanne Wong, Director of BMI 在港發行證券通證
    黃曉鑌女士 – 邦盟滙駿亞洲有限公司董事
  • 7:35pm – Live Reference Case with “Protective Token” Concept
    Sam Lee, Founder & CEO of Coinstreet Partners, Co-Founder of BC Digital 保障形證券通證實践個案分享
    李尚信先生 – 邦盟高爾數字有限公司聯合創始人, 及高爾街集團創辦人及行政總裁
  • 7:55pm – Break 小休
  • 8:00pm – Panel / Q&A – All Speakers 互動討論環節
  • 8:30pm – Networking & Drinks 交流及茶點時段
  • 9:00pm – End 活動完結
  • Don’t miss this one! Action now! 萬勿錯過!立即報名!

Organized by

Blockchain Application & Investment Alliance(BCAIA)區塊鏈應用與投資聯盟

“區塊鏈應用與投資聯盟” (Blockchain Application and Investment Alliance) 作為世界各地超過100家知名機構在香港成立的跨地域聯盟,是目前投資方與企業及區塊鏈互通平台的理想工具。利用其充分的流動性,以更加開放、包容的形態,吸收海內外的投資者,在未來激烈的全球化區域鏈競爭中獲得一席之地。而如今區塊鏈經濟發展趨勢已不僅僅單一的空間領域,已經涉及到醫療、教育、銀行、監管等多面的實際應用。

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