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DAS Seminars Educational Seminars

Future of Fintech Series: About Consensus and Authentication

Introducing the application on Blockchain and providing a general understanding of Authentication Technology and application of Consensus

  • Date & Time: Wed, 21 Aug 2019 15:30 – 17:30 HKT
  • Location: BMI Seminar Room, 9/F, Shui On Centre 6-8 Harbour Road Wan Chai, HKI

About this event

Organised by

Blockchain Application & Investment Alliance(BCAIA)區塊鏈應用與投資聯盟

“區塊鏈應用與投資聯盟” (Blockchain Application and Investment Alliance) 作為世界各地超過100家知名機構在香港成立的跨地域聯盟,是目前投資方與企業及區塊鏈互通平台的理想工具。利用其充分的流動性,以更加開放、包容的形態,吸收海內外的投資者,在未來激烈的全球化區域鏈競爭中獲得一席之地。而如今區塊鏈經濟發展趨勢已不僅僅單一的空間領域,已經涉及到醫療、教育、銀行、監管等多面的實際應用。

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