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DAS Seminars Educational Seminars

Digital Economy Summit 2023 x Digital Asset Series (DAS) 2023

Chairman of Digital Asset Series – Samson Lee is hosting panel at Digital Economy Summit 2023

  • Date & time: Friday, April 14, 2023 · 4:40 – 5:15pm HKT
  • Location: Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre – Theatre 2, 1 博覽道 Wan Chai, HKI

About this event

Digital Economy Summit 2023 : Beyond Web3 Forum – Unleashing the Innovative Power of Digitalisation and Decentralisation for a Smarter Economy

Panel Session – Blockchain Infrastructure and Ecosystem Development for the Next Generation of Digital Economy

The panel will be exploring topics/issues such as:

  • Issues (1) : What are the biggest challenges for future development of blockchain Infrastructure and ecosystem, and how to overcome such challenges? And how will it help create new business models and revenue streams in the web3 economy?
  • Issues (2) : In the next 5 or 10 years, what will the development and evolution of the blockchain infrastructure and Web3 ecosystem be? What impact would it have on the future growth of the digital economy?



  • Mr Sam Yao, Business Development Lead, Avalanche Asia
  • Dr Ming Wu, Co-founder & CTO, Conflux
  • Mr Tim Bailey, Vice President of Global Sales, Red Date Technology
  • Mr @Damien Ho, Global Partnership, Binance

Register here to receive promotion code for free access to attend onsite event or online session.

Background of Digital Asset Series (DAS) Seminars

Initiated and sponsored by the TADS Awards, the world’s first international awards for Tokenized Assets & Digitized Securities (TADS) inaugurated in 2020, Digital Asset Series (DAS) is a series of educational seminars delivered by industry leaders and practitioners, legal and consulting professionals, regulators, and academic scholars from the fintech ecosystem in Hong Kong.

The objective of DAS is to educate the general public about the ever-growing landscape of digital assets and facilitate mass adoption by covering key topics across the digital asset space including Investment Strategies, Asset Management, Security Tokens, Web3, Metaverse, NFT, Regulatory, Stablecoin, CBDC, DeFi, Cryptocurrencies, ESG, Impact and Social Good.

From February to December 2023, DAS will host free educational seminars including:

  1. Feb 28th – Investment Strategies & Taxation of Digital Assets (completed)
  2. April 14th – Blockchain Infrastructure and Ecosystem (now)
  3. The application of NFT Metaverse
  4. Tokenized Assets and Digitized Securities
  5. The Next Big Trends and Opportunities in STOs
  6. Compliance and Regulatory Landscape in Digital Assets
  7. Crowdfunding with Decentralized Autonomous Organizations (DAO)
  8. Exploring Web3 Opportunities in GBA
  9. The X-Fi world in the meta-universe
  10. Empowering Youth talents through Web3
  11. Web3 & TADS Summit 2023

Co-Organizers & Supporting Organizations

DAS is co-organized by seven (7) leading professional organizations in the digital asset ecosystem in Hong Kong, namely (alphabetically) the Asia Pacific Digital Economy Institute (“APDEI”), the Asia Security Token Alliance (“ASTA”), the Hong Kong Blockchain Association (“HKBA”), the Hong Kong Digital Asset Society (“HKDAS”), the Hong Kong Digital Finance Association (“HKDiFi”), the NFT Association of Hong Kong (“NFTAHK”) and the Society of Registered Financial Planners (“HKRFP”).

DAS is also supported by Invest Hong Kong, the HKSTP – Hong Kong Science and Technology Parks Corporation, the Hong Kong Cyberport , and five (5) leading universities including the HKUST Crypto-Fintech Lab at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, the CUHK Engineering FinTech Applied Research Academy (CEFAR), the LITE-lab (Law, Innovation, Technology & Entrepreneurship Lab) of Faculty of Law at The Hong Kong University, the Faculty of Digital Transformation Centre at The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, and the EMBA Programme at the City University of Hong Kong.

Organized by Coinstreet

Founded in 2017, Coinstreet is an award-winning professional advisory and consulting firm in the Digital Asset sector. Coinstreet Partners also offers innovative fintech services, and business and operation solutions, covering four key business segments including : (1) Primary Market, Asset Tokenization & Initial Offerings, (2) Metaverse Solutions & Non-Fungible Tokens (NFT), (3) DeFi, Prime Brokerage and Private Banking, (4) Asset Management, Tokenized Funds & Digital Asset Custodian.

Coinstreet is a co-organizer of TADS Awards – the world’s first international award for Tokenized Assets and Digitized Securities sector.

Coinstreet was awarded the “Asia Futurist Leadership Award” and the “Security Tokens Realised Awards London 2020”.

For more information, please visit Coinstreet Partners.

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