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DAS Seminars Educational Seminars

2022 DAS Seminars #3 : ESG, Impact and Social Good with Digital Asset

DAS (Digital Asset Series) Seminars is a series of educational seminars covering 12 different key topics across the digital asset space.

  • Date & time: Thursday, September 29, 2022 · 6:30 – 8:30pm HKT
  • Location: Hong Kong City University – EMBA Centre, Seminar Room 222, 14/F, Lau Ming Wai Academic Building City University of Hong Kong, 83 Tat Chee Avenue, Kowloon Tong Hong Kong, KOW

About this event

Background of Digital Asset Series (DAS) Seminars

Initiated and sponsored by the TADS Awards, the world’s first international awards for Tokenized Assets & Digitized Securities (TADS) inaugurated in 2020, Digital Asset Series (DAS) is a series of educational seminars delivered by industry leaders and practitioners, legal and consulting professionals, regulators, and academic scholars from the fintech ecosystem in Hong Kong.

The objective of DAS is to educate the general public about the ever-growing landscape of digital assets and facilitate mass adoption by covering twelve (12) key topics across the digital asset space including Investment Strategies, Asset Management, Security Tokens, Web3, Metaverse, NFT, Regulatory, Stablecoin, CBDC, DeFi, Cryptocurrencies, ESG, Impact and Social Good.

From August to November 2022, DAS will be hosting eight (8) free educational seminars spanning a four-month period, including:

  1. Aug 30th – Investment Strategies & Asset Management in Digital Assets (register)
  2. Sep 15th – Digitized Securities & Security Token (register)
  3. Sep 29th – ESG, Impact and Social Good (this event)
  4. Oct 5th – Regulatory & Compliance Landscape of Digital Asset (register)
  5. Oct 12th – Stablecoin & CBDC (register)
  6. Oct 27th – DeFi & Cryptocurrencies
  7. Nov 5th – Web 3.0, Metaverse & NFT Opportunities for Youth
  8. Nov 24th – Market opportunities in GBA

DAS (Digital Asset Series) 2022 – Session #3 : ESG, Impact and Social Good with Digital Asset

Co-hosted by : Hong Kong Digital Finance Association, Asia Pacific Digital Economy Institute

Supporting Organization : City University of Hong Kong – EMBA

In June 2022, Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing (HKEX) indicated plans to diversify its business and offer more new asset classes such as digital assets, environmental, social and governance (ESG) investments to support market trends and demand.

HKEX’s support for sustainable investing and digital assets has boosted service adoption and market participation by institutional investors. In 2021, HKEX-listed sustainability, green, social, transition or sustainability-related bonds raised a total of US$36.2 billion. Bloomberg estimates that global ESG assets under management will reach $41 trillion by the end of 2022. Family offices and asset owners in Asia Pacific regions such as Hong Kong and Singapore are increasingly focusing on digital assets. We are honored to have the keynote speakers and panelists of this symposium share their insights on the topic of “ESG, Impact and Social Good with Digital Asset”.


Organized by Coinstreet

Founded in 2017, Coinstreet is an award-winning professional advisory and consulting firm in the Digital Asset sector. Coinstreet Partners also offers innovative fintech services, and business and operation solutions, covering four key business segments including : (1) Primary Market, Asset Tokenization & Initial Offerings, (2) Metaverse Solutions & Non-Fungible Tokens (NFT), (3) DeFi, Prime Brokerage and Private Banking, (4) Asset Management, Tokenized Funds & Digital Asset Custodian.

Coinstreet is a co-organizer of TADS Awards – the world’s first international award for Tokenized Assets and Digitized Securities sector.

Coinstreet was awarded the “Asia Futurist Leadership Award” and the “Security Tokens Realised Awards London 2020”.

For more information, please visit Coinstreet Partners.

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