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DAS Seminars Educational Seminars

2022 DAS Seminars #1 : Investment Strategies & Asset Mgt. in Digital Assets

DAS (Digital Asset Series) Seminars is a series of educational seminars covering 12 different key topics across the digital asset space.

  • Date & time: Tuesday, August 30, 2022 · 6:30 – 8:30pm HKT
  • Location: The Center, H6 Conet, G/F 99 Queen’s Road Central Hong Kong, HKI

About this event

Background of Digital Asset Series (DAS)

Initiated and sponsored by the TADS Awards, the world’s first international awards for Tokenized Assets & Digitized Securities (TADS) inaugurated in 2020, Digital Asset Series (DAS) is a series of educational seminars delivered by industry leaders and practitioners, legal and consulting professionals, regulators, and academic scholars from the fintech ecosystem in Hong Kong.

The objective of DAS is to educate the general public about the ever-growing landscape of digital assets and facilitate mass adoption by covering twelve (12) key topics across the digital asset space including Investment Strategies, Asset Management, Security Tokens, Web3, Metaverse, NFT, Regulatory, Stablecoin, CBDC, DeFi, Cryptocurrencies, ESG, Impact and Social Good.

From August to November 2022, DAS will be hosting eight (8) free educational seminars spanning a four-month period, including:

  1. Aug 30th – Investment Strategies & Asset Management in Digital Assets (this event)
  2. Sep 15th – Digitized Securities & Security Token (register)
  3. Sep 29th – ESG, Impact and Social Good (register)
  4. Oct 5th- Compliance and Regulatory Landscape (register)
  5. Oct 12th – Stablecoin & CBDC
  6. Oct 26th – DeFi & Cryptocurrencies
  7. Nov 5th – Web 3.0, Metaverse & NFT Opportunities for Youth
  8. Nov 24th – Market opportunities in GBA

Digital Asset Series (DAS)press release, and related news – Forkast, Yahoo

DAS (Digital Asset Series) 2022 – Session #1 : Investment Strategies & Asset Management in Digital Assets

Co-hosted by: Society of Registered Financial Planners

The number of traditional hedge funds investing in digital assets has almost doubled in a year to over one-in-three, according to a recent report by Business Review. There are now estimated to be over 300 specialist crypto hedge funds operating globally with the pace of new funds launching having accelerated over the last two years. Total assets under management (AuM) by crypto hedge funds has risen by 8% in a year and now stands at USD4.1 billion. In this session of DAS, we are honored to be joined by some of the top industry leaders to share their insights in Investment Strategies & Asset Management in Digital Assets.


  • Language: Cantonese
  • Cost: Free
  • Date: Tue, 30th Aug 2022
  • Venue: H6 Conet, G/F, The Center, 99 Queen’s Road, Central, Hong Kong
  • Time: 6:30 – 6:40 pm – Opening by Host – Samson Lee, Chairman of Organization Committee @ DAS & TADS Awards
  • 6:40 – 7:00 pm – Keynote Speaker – Robert Lui, Hong Kong Digital Asset Leader @ Deloitte China
  • 7:00 – 7:40 pm – Panel Discussion
    • Moderator – Michael Wong, President @ Society of Registered Financial Planners
    • Panelists
  • 7:40 – 800 pm – Q&A + Networking

數字資產系列 (DAS) 研討會背景


DAS的目標是通過涵蓋數字資產領域的12 個關鍵主題,包括投資策略、資產管理、證券型代幣、Web3.0、元宇宙、非同質化代幣(NFT)、監管框架與合規、穩定幣、中央銀行數位貨幣(CBDC)、去中心化金融(DeFi)、加密貨幣、企業管治和社會影響等,讓公眾更了解快速增長的數字資產市場環境並促進數字資產的大規模採用。

從 2022 年 8 月到 2022 年 11 月,DAS 將舉辦為期4個月的8場免費教育研討會,包括:

  1. 8 月 30 日 – 數字資產的投資策略和資產管理 (本次活動)
  2. 9 月 15 日 – 通證化資產和證券型代幣(註冊)
  3. 9 月 29 日 – 企業管治和社會影響(註冊)
  4. 10 月初 – 監管框架與合規(註冊)
  5. 10 月 12 日 – 穩定幣和CBDC (中央銀行數字貨幣)
  6. 10 月 26 日 – 去中心化金融(DeFi)和加密貨幣
  7. 11 月 5 日 – Web 3.0、元宇宙和 NFT 帶給年輕人之機會
  8. 11 月 24 日 – 大灣區的市場機會

2022 數字資產系列 (DAS) 研討會#1:數字資產的投資策略和資產管理

根據《商業評論》的一份報告,投資於數字資產的傳統對沖基金數量在一年內幾乎翻了一番,達到三分之一以上。 現在估計有超過 300 家專業的加密對沖基金在全球運營,新基金的推出速度在過去兩年中有所加快。 加密對沖基金管理的總資產 (AUM) 在一年內增長了 8%,目前達到 41 億美元。 在本次 DAS 研討會上,我們很榮幸能夠與一些頂級行業領導者一起分享他們在數字資產投資策略和資產管理方面的見解。


  • 研討會語言 : 廣東話
  • 費用:全免
  • 日期:2022 年 8 月 30 日,星期二
  • 地點:香港 中環皇后大道中99號 中環中心 地下 H6 Conet
  • 時間 :
    • 6:30 – 6:40 pm – 開幕致辭 – 數字資產系列 (DAS) 研討會及TADS大獎組委會主席 – 李尚信先生
    • 6:40 – 7:00 pm – 主講嘉賓 – 德勤中國香港數字資產主管 – 呂志宏先生
    • 7:00 – 7:40 pm – 專題討論
  • 專題討論主持 – 註冊財務策劃師協會會長 – 黃敏碩先生
  • 專題討論嘉賓
    • BC 科技集團執行董事 – 刁家駿先生
    • 元睿資本創始合夥人 – 黄兆瑜先生
    • 安投管理合伙人及SEBA Bank董事會成員 – 鄭其森先生
    • 意博資本亞洲有限公司資產管理及投資總監 – 陳裕楷先生
  • 7:40 – 8:00 pm – 問答時間 & 商務交流

Co-Organizers & Supporting Organizations

DAS is co-organized by seven (7) leading professional organizations in the digital asset ecosystem in Hong Kong, namely (alphabetically) the Asia Pacific Digital Economy Institute (“APDEI”), the Asia Security Token Alliance (“ASTA”), the Hong Kong Blockchain Association (“HKBA”), the Hong Kong Digital Asset Society (“HKDAS”), the Hong Kong Digital Finance Association (“HKDiFi”), the NFT Association of Hong Kong (“NFTAHK”) and the Society of Registered Financial Planners (“HKRFP”).

DAS is also supported by Invest Hong Kong, the HKSTP – Hong Kong Science and Technology Parks Corporation, the Hong Kong Cyberport , and four (4) leading universities including the HKUST Crypto-Fintech Lab at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, the CUHK Engineering FinTech Applied Research Academy (CEFAR), the Faculty of Digital Transformation Centre at The Hong Kong Polytechnic University,, and the EMBA Programme at the City University of Hong Kong.

數字資產系列 (DAS)主辦機構及支持機構

DAS 是由7個數字資產領域的領先專業組織共同舉辦,包括(按字母順序)亞洲數字經濟研究院 (Asia Pacific Digital Economy Institute)、Asian Security Token Alliance 、Hong Kong Blockchain Association 香港區塊鏈協會 HKBA、香港數字資產學習學會(Hong Kong Digital Asset Society)、香港數字金融協會(Hong Kong Digital Finance Association)、註冊財務策劃師協會(HKRFP)、及香港非同質化代幣協會(NFT Association of Hong Kong (NFTA.HK);並獲得香港投資推廣署(Invest Hong Kong)、香港數碼港(Cyberport Hong Kong)、香港科技園(HKSTP – Hong Kong Science and Technology Parks Corporation)和來自4間大學的支持, 包括香港科技大學 HKUST Crypto-Fintech Lab、中大工程學院金融科技應用研究院(CUHK Faculty of Engineering)、香港理工大學工商管理學院數字化變革中心(Faculty of Business, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University)、及香港城市大學CityU EMBA 。

Organized by Coinstreet

Founded in 2017, Coinstreet is an award-winning professional advisory and consulting firm in the Digital Asset sector. Coinstreet Partners also offers innovative fintech services, and business and operation solutions, covering four key business segments including : (1) Primary Market, Asset Tokenization & Initial Offerings, (2) Metaverse Solutions & Non-Fungible Tokens (NFT), (3) DeFi, Prime Brokerage and Private Banking, (4) Asset Management, Tokenized Funds & Digital Asset Custodian.

Coinstreet is a co-organizer of TADS Awards – the world’s first international award for Tokenized Assets and Digitized Securities sector.

Coinstreet was awarded the “Asia Futurist Leadership Award” and the “Security Tokens Realised Awards London 2020”.

For more information, please visit Coinstreet Partners.

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