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DAS Seminars Educational Seminars

2023 DAS #8 — Exploring the Future of Tokenisation in Real World Assets

DAS (Digital Asset Series) is a series of educational seminars covering key topics across the digital asset space.

  • Date & time: Starts on Wednesday, December 6, 2023 · 6:30pm HKT
  • Location: CITD Office, Room 1717-18, 17/F, Star House 3 Salisbury Road, TST Kowloon, HKI


  • 18:00 – 18:30 Registration
  • 19:00 – 20:00 Panel session with Q&A discussion
  • 20:00 – 21:00 Networking with refreshments

About this event

Background of Digital Asset Series (DAS) Seminars

Initiated and sponsored by the TADS Awards, the world’s first international awards for Tokenized Assets & Digitized Securities (TADS) inaugurated in 2020, Digital Asset Series (DAS) is a series of educational seminars delivered by industry leaders and practitioners, legal and consulting professionals, regulators, and academic scholars from the fintech ecosystem in Hong Kong.

The objective of DAS is to educate the general public about the ever-growing landscape of digital assets and facilitate mass adoption by covering key topics across the digital asset space including Investment Strategies, Asset Management, Security Tokens, Web3, Metaverse, NFT, Regulatory, Stablecoin, CBDC, DeFi, Cryptocurrencies, ESG, Impact and Social Good.

From February to December 2023, DAS will host free educational seminars including:

  • Feb 28th – Investment Strategies & Taxation of Digital Assets
  • Aril 14th – Blockchain Infrastructure and Ecosystem Development for the Next Generation of Digital Economy
  • May 18th – How Can Web3 Help Achieve The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
  • June 8th – Web3 科技應用前瞻 及合規虛擬資產業務研討會
  • July 29th – Empowering SDG Projects with Web3 and NFT Technologies
  • Aug 21st – Web3 Connect@Cyberport
  • Oct 6th – Opportunity for RWA (Real World Asset) Tokenization
  • Dec 6th – Exploring the Future of Tokenisation in Real World Assets

DAS (Digital Asset Series) 2023 – Session #8 — Exploring the Future of Tokenisation in Real World Assets

Co-Hosted by : TokenX, Hong Kong Web3 Association, DAS & CITD

Join us to explore the transformative power of blockchain technology in revolutionising the way we think about traditional assets. Tokenisation has emerged as a groundbreaking concept, enabling the representation of real-world assets as digital tokens on a blockchain.

We are excited to announce one more distinguished panel speaker. Our esteemed panel of legal and regulatory experts will provide in-depth discussions and practical guidance on navigating this evolving landscape.

  • Moderator:
    • Ms. Letitia Yip – Executive Director, CSpro
  • Panel speakers:
    • Mr. Julian So – Chief of Advisors, CITD
    • Mr. Oliver Ng – Senior Advisor, Hong Kong Virtual Asset Consortium
    • Mr. Jean-Luc Gustave – Director, Palmela
    • Ali HM Makki – Executive Director, Kilimanjaro Energy

With panel speakers from banking, legal, to family office, fintech, alternative investments and carbon credit backgrounds, the audience will gain a deeper understanding of how tokenisation can unlock liquidity, increase accessibility, and democratise investments in traditionally illiquid assets.

The panelists will also address the legal and regulatory considerations surrounding tokenisation projects, providing valuable guidance on compliance and best practices.

Whether you are an investor, entrepreneur, or simply curious about the future of finance, this event is a must-attend. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to engage with industry experts and expand your knowledge of tokenisation in real world assets.

Register now to secure your spot : Exploring the Future of Tokenisation in Real World Assets. We look forward to welcoming you to this insightful and thought-provoking event.

Note: This event is open to all, and registration is required. Limited seats available, so make sure to reserve your spot early.

Co-Organizers & Supporting Organizations

DAS is co-organized by seven (7) leading professional organizations in the digital asset ecosystem in Hong Kong, namely (alphabetically) the Asia Pacific Digital Economy Institute (“APDEI”), the Asia Security Token Alliance (“ASTA”), the Hong Kong Blockchain Association (“HKBA”), the Hong Kong Digital Asset Society (“HKDAS”), the Hong Kong Digital Finance Association (“HKDiFi”), the NFT Association of Hong Kong (“NFTAHK”) and the Society of Registered Financial Planners (“HKRFP”).

DAS is also supported by Invest Hong Kong, the HKSTP – Hong Kong Science and Technology Parks Corporation, the Hong Kong Cyberport , and five (5) leading universities including the HKUST Crypto-Fintech Lab at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, the CUHK Engineering FinTech Applied Research Academy (CEFAR), the LITE-lab (Law, Innovation, Technology & Entrepreneurship Lab) of Faculty of Law at The Hong Kong University, the Faculty of Digital Transformation Centre at The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, and the EMBA Programme at the City University of Hong Kong.

Organized by Coinstreet

Founded in 2017, Coinstreet is an award-winning professional advisory and consulting firm in the Digital Asset sector. Coinstreet Partners also offers innovative fintech services, and business and operation solutions, covering four key business segments including : (1) Primary Market, Asset Tokenization & Initial Offerings, (2) Metaverse Solutions & Non-Fungible Tokens (NFT), (3) DeFi, Prime Brokerage and Private Banking, (4) Asset Management, Tokenized Funds & Digital Asset Custodian.

Coinstreet is a co-organizer of TADS Awards – the world’s first international award for Tokenized Assets and Digitized Securities sector.

Coinstreet was awarded the “Asia Futurist Leadership Award” and the “Security Tokens Realised Awards London 2020”.

For more information, please visit Coinstreet Partners.


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